Volvo XC40 Recharge T5 R-Design Pro

The whole point of these long-term tests is to find out what a car is like to live with. We try our best to get under the skin of a car – even when time is necessarily tight – and my colleagues that write the regular road tests have an enormous talent for doing exactly […]

Volvo XC90 Recharge T8 Inscription AWD

Report Four School runs have returned to the Grant family routine, following a hiatus that seems a lot longer than three months. In turn, our XC90 has re-gained cabin clutter, climate control presets, and faces the unfiltered opinions of the household’s toughest critics; Jenson (7), Ewan (4), and Eve (2). Staggered, socially distanced drop-offs have […]


Report Three Like most of the UK’s 33-million passenger cars, our XC90 is spending more time parked up than it normally would. Local journeys are unusually favourable for a plug-in hybrid, of course, but I’ve picked up enough information to figure out how it compares to the ‘mild hybrid’ B5 diesel it replaced a couple […]

Bright Spark

Who would want to be a traditional car dealer these days? I’m sure lots of people have made plenty of money in the trade over the years, but now the path to profit seems to be getting ever more difficult. There’s the major disruption of the Covid-19 crisis, of course, which has confined potential car-buyers […]


Second Test Well, that’s just typical. Our XC90 touched down in Cardiff at the start of December; a safe, wool-lined oasis of calm, shielded from the unpredictability of life in 2020. Two weeks later, Wales had been locked down again. Within a month, England had followed suit. Restricted travel has curtailed opportunities to enjoy a […]

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