Bright Spark

One of the most frequent grumbles about electric cars in the early years was that the choice was very limited. The main options were the Renault Zoe, the Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model S. These cars have all proven themselves and are still with us on the new car market a decade or so […]

Are EVs grounded before they start?

Hi Doc, An unusual request that perhaps could be included in future road tests. Some five years ago, a new neighbour very heavily grounded his new BMW 3 Series between the driveway and pavement. As I was cutting the lawn and heard the noise, I went over to help. Armed with two trolley jacks and […]


Hi Doc, Now that we’ve resolved the political disagreement I had with Ian, I’m back, and we can discuss the equally contentious subject of motoring. I’m now a bit slow, but I wanted to comment on the battery wish-list you used to answer the question from Les in January. Before Diesel Car magazine even existed, […]

Volkswagen ID.4 hits UK dealerships from March

For the first time Volkswagen is offering a fully electric SUV – the ID.4. As the second model from the brand to be launched on the dedicated MEB platform, it will also offer four-wheel drive at a later date. Like the ID.3, the new model is being launched as a limited-run 1ST Edition with a range of pre-configured trim levels to follow later in the year. The ID.4 1ST Edition will cost £37,800 after the plug-in vehicle grant is applied, and is expected to arrive in dealerships during March.

Bright Spark

One of the concerns I’ve always had about electrification, even as an enthusiast for plug-in motoring, is that it might make cars feel bland and samey. In the world of the internal combustion engine, you don’t have to be an expert to tell the difference between a three-cylinder diesel and a petrol V8, but all […]

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