North of the Border

It’s really good to see Diesel Car keeping up with developments in alternative fuel in Eco Car, and I have a feeling that in a year or two there’s going to be a sudden uptake of electric vehicles ñ something that the government could easily accelerate, if they only used some money sensibly to encourage […]

The Extra Mile

We often highlight the benefits of clearing out your car’s boot and cabin of unnecessary weighty items, and optimising your car’s aerodynamics by taking off roof bars and roof boxes and cycle carriers when they are not being used. Both undoubtedly will save you some fuel, but the actual gains are individual to any given […]

The hyper mile

Unreachable fuel economy figures have been hitting the headlines recently, but a group of dedicated hypermilers met up last month to prove that it can be done in the annual MPG Marathon. John Kendall reports.   What’s the point of trying to improve on a car’s official EU combined fuel consumption figure, when we know […]

The Extra Mile

You might or might not remember that 48-volt electrical systems were going to be the next big thing for cars around 15 years ago. There were real concerns that it would not be possible to power all the on-board electrical systems needed in future without the change. Then the story quietly died, but I think […]

The Extra Mile: September

We seem to have reached something of a critical point in diesel fuel economy, with a good number of smaller diesel cars now offering EC combined figures of around 80mpg.

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