Doctor Diesel

Leggy Mercedes gets new lease of life

Web05Hello Doc, I just wanted to thank you for your very useful advice regarding the refurbishment of the turbocharger on my 1997 Mercedes-Benz C 250 Turbo Diesel Estate car with now some 251,525 miles on the clock. Red Oak Garage, my local Mercedes independent garage in Maidstone, followed your advice and firstly contacted Turbo Technics who said they could not get the parts for my model, but Turbo Solutions said they could do it, and made a great job of it at less than 40 per cent of the cost of a new turbocharger. The car now responds much better to the throttle, has improved acceleration, and runs very smoothly from tickover to way up the rev range. Your advice has saved me several hundred pounds and ensured a continued active life for a car that I am so happy with. Thank you so much. I hope your other correspondents applaud you as much as I do. I think that I have also convinced a couple of my friends to become regular readers of Diesel Car magazine by proving how it can actually save them money! Very best wishes and long may you be our guiding light!
Terry Raynor, Maidstone

That’s very good of you to update me Terry, and I’m very pleased to know that I have been of some assistance on sorting your problems. Tell your friends to get a Diesel Car subscription, and save money, with a lot more of the cost going direct to DC than it does when buying at WH Smith!

Very best regards, and happy motoring,
Doc Diesel

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