Skoda Scala Monte Carlo 1.0 TSI

Report 7 So far, so good. The slight problem-ettes I had with the Scala following the first ‘big freeze’ of the winter appear to have been of the temporary variety. As I mentioned last time around, the navigation system stopped working and there was endless bleeping to warn me that the tyres pressures were low […]
Skoda Scala Monte Carlo 1.0 TSI

Another month, another glowing report. Well, yes, but before we get to the bit where I sing the Scala’s praises, this time around there are one or two caveats. Five months in, I have noticed a few ‘issues’ with the Skoda. That is perhaps overselling it, ‘niggles’ would be closer to the truth. Since the […]
Skoda Scala Monte Carlo 1.0 TSI

Report 4 It’s funny how you get attached to certain cars. Month four with the Scala has led me to contemplating life without it. That should happen around Christmastime, unless I can persuade Skoda to let me have it for longer. It isn’t that I am in love with the car, so much as it […]