Turbo turmoil

Dear Doctor Diesel,   How do turbochargers get contaminated with whatever they do, for the vanes to get stuck? The air enters via the air filter and then arrives at the turbo to proceed to the inlet manifold via the intercooler and EGR. I am at something of a loss as to where the awful […]

Honoured reader’s views

Good morning to you Doctor. I have just seen the letter from Norman Budge (Issue 352) regarding recent increases in HGV speed limits. Yes, he is correct in saying that the limit for normal roads has increased from 40 to 50 mph, but dual carriageway limits remained as they were. (I’m sorry Paul, but they […]

The Extra Mile

With gas and diesel prices currently hovering around the 40 to 45p per litre mark in the USA, you might wonder why drivers are that bothered about fuel consumption, but amazingly the hypermiling fuel-saving movement has taken off strongly and has spawned a good number of websites where you can pick up some very interesting […]

Big issue

How events can suddenly take an unexpected turn when a large company does something naughty. Although your editor has, quite rightly, recommended that we sit tight, put a brave face on things and just see how events pan out. I have a bad feeling about the outcome of this affair. There’s quite a hard core […]

Dear Bill

This month Doctor Diesel has a question of his own for veteran HGV driver, Bill Shepherd.


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