Clean exhaust, C4 yourself

Since my last correspondence, I have bought a CitroÎn C4 CoupÈ EGS, ex-CitroÎn UK pre-registered car, for a very good price. I sold the old car as the EGS transmission was starting to become very jerky on take off, and I was advised that repairs could be costly. I cover 16,000 miles a year, hence […]

Car Hacking… really?

The subject of car hacking has been hitting the headlines, but how much of a danger is it really? Phil Thane investigates.   Both the traditional media and the social kind have a history of getting over-excited about anything to do with computer hacking. Scary headlines bring in readers and complicated explanations of technical issues […]

The Extra Mile

We’ll not go into detail here about precisely how diesel engine tuning is done, but the end results very much depend on the skills of the tuner in designing the electronics of an add-on box, or rewriting the ECU software, whilst staying within manufacturer design limits to ensure the strength of the engine remains uncompromised. […]

Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes… are blocked!

Hello Doc.  Last Friday evening, I was travelling home along a de-restricted dual carriageway and was held up by some slow moving vehicles in the outside lane at about 45mph. When the lane cleared, I accelerated firmly and, as usual, my Mercedes GL 420 CDI took off with its customary amount of vigour, but only […]

Mods and Rockers

The modified car scene has changed. Unless you’re a particularly skilled mechanic, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to pop the bonnet on a modern vehicle and perform the kind of DIY tune-ups that formed the culture decades ago. If tinkering is your thing, then you’re likely going to need a car that’s at least 15 […]

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