Our moaner-in-chief on the car launch circus

Before I became a car hack, I had some rosy fantasies about what the job would be like. From the international travel to driving the cars themselves, motoring journalism seemed impossibly exotic, and I remember boring on to my dad about what a fabulous way to earn a living it must be. With great kindness […]


Could Brexit spell a boom time for our car industry? Not unless we focus on what fires up foreign drivers, and deliver their dreams. Simon Hacker cogitates some industry tips 1 First up, China. A tough market to crack given its ability to ëborrowí ideas from elsewhere and rework them for a fraction of the price. […]

The new age of socket wars

Could the energy of the electric vehicle movement soon consume itself? As popularity for hybrid and EV cars continues to rise, Simon Hacker warns sparks may soon fly in the UK… 1 Individuality is a cool thing, you might say, until everyone’s doing it. Take the inexorable global rise of the electric vehicle (EV). Everybody, including […]


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