Stopping and reporting an accident

It is probably one of a motorist’s worst fears, particularly if you are a new driver, to be involved in an accident. When it happens, panic often sets in and many motorists are not aware of exactly what is required of them. This can often lead to chaos and confusion and in that instance, your […]

Highest insurance premiums paid by young and elderly drivers

The Association of British Insurers has published new data today which shows why age is an important factor in deciding premiums for motor insurance policies. The data shows the average premiums that customers of different age groups pay for their car insurance, compared to the cost of the average claim they make.

Head injuries are not uncommon from car accidents; claim today

Whether the conditions caused the problem, focus was lost or there was just general negligence, car accidents can have huge effects on someone’s life. Statistics from 2011 showed that casualties were at 203,950 for the year. Whatever happens during a crash, it’s important to check your rights and with injuries common, looking for head injury […]

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