Doctor Diesel

Krippled Kombi update

Web05Thanks for your prompt reply, and your help regarding my Kombi’s intermittent dropping into limp-home (Issue 327). It was a proper Volkswagen main dealer that hooked it up to the diagnostics a long time ago. They spent maybe an hour on it and then said they would need to dig deeper – but digging deeper and a repair might cost £1,500. Since it was not happening that often then, I left it. I’ve now taken it along to a specialist recommended by my (good) local garage, as you suggested, and they told me it was definitely the turbocharger, and there was no chance that it was just a sensor. I thought the guy was slightly offhand though.

It doesn’t make sense to me Wiclif. If the turbocharger was knackered, then it would be doing it all the time, not just intermittently. Did they actually do a full diagnostic check, and what precisely did they say was wrong with the turbocharger? If turbochargers need replacing, it’s usually shown by black smoke and other awful things. Just a sporadic drop into limp-home is not an indication that the turbo is shot, it’s more likely to be something electrical. Try another specialist – if you send me your postcode, I’ll come up with some suggested highly rated garages, or diesel specialists near you. All the best – you need to get it sorted!
Doc Diesel

Since then I’ve given Wiclif the details of a recommended garage near to him, and we’re awaiting further developments! Doc

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