Doctor Diesel

Disappointed David

Dear Doc Diesel, 


I have a Polo Match Edition 1.2 TDI with the EA189 engine and am disappointed by the absence of information on the effects of the 23R7 recall for a software update. To date, I have received three letters from Volkswagen, none of which gave any meaningful information. The website is no better. When the car had a 10,000 mile service by a main dealer, it carried out the 23R7 Recall, as it appeared on the invoice, with no charge. The main dealer’s line was that Volkswagen did not provide them with any information other than how to update the software. I have had no communication from VW since the recall was carried out. Surely owners should be provided with Information such as:


1. Was the defeat software removed?

2. Which Euro emission standard does the car now meet?

3. What is the effect on fuel consumption and CO2?

4. What is the effect on performance?


In respect of point 4 above, the low-speed torque on my car now seems to be reduced. Due to slower acceleration at low speeds, greater care is now necessary when attempting to take advantage of a gap on a busy roundabout. One wonders whether Volkswagen’s lawyers are behind this, to avoid providing any information that could be used in support of a claim. Could you give your opinion on how VW is handling this matter?


David Griffiths


Somewhat shamefully, in a couple of words! I am going to forward this to the Volkswagen UK Press Office and see what they have to say. I will let you know the response, as soon as I receive one!




Hello again David, I am attaching the response that I have received (below) from Volkswagen UK Press Office, and it was a very prompt response! If you have the time and enthusiasm, you might care to follow their advice and contact the Customer Relations people at Volkswagen UK.


Response received from Volkswagen UK:


Iíve given some information below which I believe answers Mr Griffithsí key questions. If you need anything further, do let us know.


The technical measures are an opportunity to upgrade the affected vehicles with subsequent advances in diesel engine software technology that were not available at the time they were manufactured and, following implementation, vehicles remain within the EU5 emissions standard.


Volkswagen has always said that its customers will not be disadvantaged by the technical measures. The German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) has confirmed for all models that implementation of the measure will not lead to any deterioration in fuel consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, engine output, torque or noise emissions. All figures relevant to type approval for the vehicle will continue to apply.


If the customer is experiencing specific problems, they should visit their local dealer and discuss the issue. Alternatively, they could contact our customer services centre ñ this number will take them direct to a team who are dealing with questions related to affected EA189 engines: 0800 954 0225.



One Response

  1. I think the overarching phrase within the VW statement “All figures relevant to type approval for the vehicle will continue to apply” applies to when the car is on test ie (rolling road Eu 5 emissions test) in that situation the car will give the same numbers for torque / fuel consumption etc as before the technical fix.
    In my opinion VW are not promising the car will operate unchanged in real-world driving following the install of the software update. As Mr David has perceived, the real world driving characteristics of the car have changed

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