Feeling restrained

Q. I suffer from a form of claustrophobia that makes me panic at times when wearing a seat belt, because I feel trapped in my seat. Consequently, I often do not wear a seat belt when I am driving. And due to a restriction in my shoulder movements caused by a falI some years ago, […]

Disqualification dilemma

Q. I am due in court soon on a motoring offence charge and I have been advised that I am likely to be disqualified from driving. The court is not easily accessible by public transport, so I wondered whether I will be able to drive there and back, but I don’t know whether a disqualification […]

Legal I

Q. I understand that the courts don’t have complete discretion over what penalties to mete out for speeding offences, subject only to the maximum allowed, but that there are some guidelines they follow. I’ve heard, for example, that a court wouldn’t usually consider ordering a disqualification from driving unless the speed was 30mph or more over […]

The law and running out of fuel on a motorway

Question Can you settle a dispute with a friend? He says it is an offence to run out of fuel on a motorway, but I have never heard of this. I have tried to find the answer on various online forums, but I’m finding that there are a lot of conflicting opinions and they don’t […]

Parking tickets from a private company

Question I have received a private parking ticket for £100 (£60 for early payment) at a retail park for parking and ‘leaving the site’. I’ve done a bit of Internet research and I’ve decided to ignore it on the grounds that: I won’t confirm I was the driver – they will have to prove it; […]

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